MHMS Administrative Update

Murray Hill Middle School 

MHMS Administrative Update

Dear MHMS Community,

I am excited to share that at this afternoon’s HCPSS Board Meeting our current Acting Assistant Principal, Jennifer Blasko was promoted to Assistant Principal at Murray Hill Middle School.  Mrs. Blasko joined the Murray Hill Middle School community, as Acting Assistant Principal, on March 14th, and will continue in that role through June 21st.  Her official start as Assistant Principal at MHMS will begin on July 1st.  Current Assistant Principal, Mrs. Couch and I are ecstatic to have Mrs. Blasko permanently join our administrative team, as she has already proven to be an asset to our school community.  


Lisa R. Smithson


Murray Hill Middle School


Murray Hill Middle School | 9989 Winter Sun Road, Laurel, MD 20723 | 410-880-5897 |