Murray Messenger 6.2.19

Murray Hill Middle School  

Murray Messenger 6.2.19

A Note From The Principal

Dear MHMS Families,

As a part of the 6th and 7th grade service learning project this year, our students engaged in various activities to support the Grassroots Crisis Center.  As a result, we are proud to share that MHMS raised a total of $3,796.19 in donations!  These donations will cover over a day and half of operating expenses (one day is $2,111.00).  On June 3rd and June 4th, a sign will be displayed at the Grassroots Crisis Center announcing that our sponsorship has supported the operations of those designated days.  We are so proud of the efforts of the Murray Hill Middle School community, as we recognize that every dollar donated to Grassroots helps to save lives and people in crisis!

Important Dates:

June 4th @ 12:10 p.m.

3-Hour Early Dismissal- Professional Work Day

June 5th

8th Grade Field Trip- High School Visitation Day

June 6th @ 6:00 p.m.

Summer School Parent Orientation

June 7th

8th Grade Field Trip- 8th Grade Cruise

June 11th @ 7:00 p.m.

PTA Meeting

June 18th

8th Grade Closing Ceremony

June 19th – June 21st

3-Hour Early Dismissal

News From The Hill

School News

Morning Drop-Off Reminders:  Thank you, parents for partnering with us to keep all of our students safe. When dropping off your students in the morning, please keep the following in mind: 1) Keep the line single file (do not go around a car that is still dropping off students); 2) Stay in line all the way through (do not pull out, make a three-point turn, and go out the opposite way); 3) Pull as far forward into the circle as you can before stopping to drop of your student (this allows more students to dropped off close to the school building at the same time).

MHMS Attendance:  Please be reminded that if your student is absent for any reason, that it is important to provide written documentation of their absence.  Documentation should include student name, the date(s) of absence, and the reason for the absence.  Parents also have the choice to inform us of a student absence by sending an email to the following address:

Pesticide Application:  Notification is hereby made that an application of the pesticide shown below was made on this site to control Canadian Thistle

School Name: Murray Hill Middle School

Date: June 8 or 9, 2019

Application Locations: Environmental Areas


COMMON NAME: clopyralid


HEALTH HAZARD DATA: Eye: May cause very slight temporary corneal injury. Vapor may cause irritation experienced as mild discomfort and redness. Skin: Prolonged contact may cause moderate skin irritation with local redness. Prolonged skin contact is unlikely to result in absorption of harmful amounts. Ingestion: Very low toxicity if swallowed. Inhalation: Vapor concentrations are attainable which could be hazardous on single exposure.

Copies of Material Safety Data Sheet and /or label for any pesticide being applied may be obtained by calling the school office.

8th Grade News

8th Closing Ceremony:  The 8th Grade Farewell will take place on Tuesday, June 18th from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM in the Murray Hill Gymnasium. Each 8th grader will receive two tickets (8th grade student do not need tickets). Students are encouraged to wear the 8th Grade class t-shirt or another Murray Hill shirt. Doors will open at 9:30 AM, no one will be permitted admittance without a ticket. Families who wish to take their students home must sign out their students upon leaving. Please consider joining us for a reception after the ceremony to celebrate the end of three wonderful years here at Murray Hill.

AHS Music Programs:  Greetings Rising Raider Music Families!  We are so looking forward to having you join Atholton Music that we are reaching out to you now to make sure you take advantage of everything Atholton Music has to offer.  First, and foremost, if you’re currently in Band, Choir, or Orchestra, but have decided not to continue your musical aspirations at Atholton HS, please reconsider. Freshmen year can be overwhelming, but having that “place” where you are welcome can make all the difference.  Atholton Music is that place – a place for everyone.  Please open the pdf for all the exciting opportunities!

Ms. Van Doan, Atholton Music Booster President  Welcome Rising Raiders.pdf 

AHS Ice Hockey:  Know how to skate? Play hockey? The Ice Hawks and Raiders need YOU! Varsity and JV opportunities are available for experienced hockey players and new skaters!  Please let us know if you're interested in playing ice hockey in high school!  Look for the Ice Hockey Booth at 8th Grade Visitation or contact the team manager by email.  We are in need of a Back Up GOALIE (Baseball, Tennis, Lacrosse, Field Hockey and other Athletes make great goalies!)  AHS Ice Hockey Team Manager - Rich Snoddy,  If you are interested in playing hockey but will attend a different high school, please contact Cindy Wallace ( for more information.

AHS Fall Sports:  Tryouts for all fall sports at Atholton High School will begin on Wednesday, August 14, 2019. Fall sports include cheerleading, girls/boys cross country, football, girls/boys golf, girls/boys soccer, girls volleyball, and girls field hockey. Tryouts last 3 consecutive days, with practices beginning immediately after teams are selected.  Please plan vacations accordingly.  Due to the number of student athletes trying out for our programs, tryouts are mandatory and we cannot make special exceptions for individuals who cannot make the tryout dates.  In June, Atholton HS will host a parent meeting for any incoming 9th grader who would like to tryout for a sport. Dates and times will be sent soon.  It is highly recommended to sign up for the Atholton High School SchoolMessenger to receive important information about Atholton High School.   If you have any immediate questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact Atholton’s Athletics and Activities Manager, Mike Senisi at


HCPSS Summer Meals Program:  We are pleased to inform you that our 2019 Open Site Summer Meals Program will begin on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 and run through Wednesday, August 21, 2019. The program hours will vary from location to location. All children 18 years of age and younger who drop in at any of the sites may receive free meals. Parents or guardians do not need to apply to get these summer meals for their children.

Please see the attached flyers for more detailed information: SummerMealsProgram.Color.4.19.pdf    Summer Meals FAQ's.pdf 

HCPSS Gifted and Talented Summer Institute:  Enrollment is now open for the HCPSS Gifted and Talented Summer Institutes located at Wilde Lake Middle School. The G/T Summer Institutes provide interested students with advanced-level instruction and enrichment experiences not regularly available during the academic school year. Advanced-level classes are offered in mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, technology, and fine arts. The curriculum is focused on talent development and provides academically and artistically rigorous activities. The program runs for two separate sessions; the first from July 1st- July 12th and the second from July 15th- July 26th. More information can be found at

2019 Summer Sports Camps - Atholton High School Athletic BoostersHave fun, get active and get some practice in for fall tryouts this summer at one of our many AHS Athletic Booster Sports Camps. NEW this year is a co-ed, full day basketball camp offering before care and after care options for an extra fee. Ages 10 thru incoming freshmen are eligible for these camps.  Tuition cost for camp is $145/half day and $300/full day.  Tuition includes a Raider t-shirt, individual skills testing and specialized instruction from Atholton’s Coaches. For more information please contact: Tracy Boulle at or 443-812-2559.  Camp Schedule, Information and Online Registration


Communication is an essential component of a successful school experience for both students and parents.  There are many ways to stay connected to MHMS and to HCPSS.  Please consider the following ways to stay connected:

  • Visit the MHMS website often at:   
  • Follow MHMS on Twitter at:  @hcpss_mhms
  • Visit Canvas often
  • Visit the HCPSS website often at:
  • Download the HCPSS app on your mobile device (search Howard County Public School System)

Community News

For more Community News visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.