Murray Messenger 9/13/19

Murray Hill Middle School

Murray Messenger 9/13/19

A Note From The Principal

Dear MHMS Families,

Thank you to all of our families who joined us for Back To School Night on Thursday evening.  It was great to have the opportunity to share all of the wonderful things that are planned for this school year.  I know that the traffic issues in our area affected many of our parents from attending, but know that the MHMS staff is always willing to connect with you, and we look forward to building strong partnerships with our parents. 

((View the Administrative, PTA, & BSAP Welcome Video here))

At this time 54% of families have completed Family File, through HCPSS Connect.  We were happy to assist so many families in completing their Family File during Back To School Night.  If you have not completed this very important task yet, please do so this weekend.  Your Family File must be updated and verified at the start of each school year Among other things, Family File provides MHMS with contact information, emergency contact information, health information, and different preferences which helps us to ensure the safety of your student.  Please visit: to update your Family File.  If you have any difficulties accessing or completing Family File, please contact our Front Office Staff at 410-880-5897.


Lisa R. Smithson


Murray Hill Middle School

Important Dates:

September 17th

ODE Fundraiser @ Coal Fire

September 26th @ 6:30 p.m.

6th Grade Outdoor Education Parent Information Session

September 30th

Schools and Offices Closed

October 8th @ 7:00 p.m.

PTA Meeting

October 9th

Schools and Offices Closed

October 10th

MHMS Dental Clinic

October 14th

Fall Pictures

October 17th

MHMS Flu Clinic

October 17th @ 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

MHMS Fall Fling

October 18th

Schools Closed for Students

News From The Hill

School News

Did You Know???:  Did you know that MHMS has two amazing school counselors?  Ms. Raymond and Mrs. Svoboda work hard to support each and every student at MHMS.  If your student is struggling with organization, with building relationships with peers, or is involved in a peer conflict, our dedicated school counselors are a great resource.  Ms. Raymond services 6th grade students whose last names start with the letters A-L and all 7th grade students.  Mrs. Svoboda services 6thgrade students whose last names start with the letters M-Z and all 8th grade students.  Both Ms. Raymond and Mrs. Svoboda will conduct lessons on a variety of topics with students throughout the school year.  

MESA @ MHMS:  We are so excited to kick off our MESA season!  MESA is an after-school program where you can use your love of Math, Engineering, and Science to accomplish real life challenges with your MHMS teammates. In MESA, students are challenged to construct a computer game, a world-changing device using Arduino, and an exciting new expanding structures challenge!  Those items are then showcased at the MESA competition at John Hopkins APL in a competition against other Howard County middle schools. 

This year, we are asking interested students to submit a short writing excerpt with their application. In at least 100 words, please write a brief explanation about why you would be a good fit for MESA – this could include your past experiences, interests, skills, and more! Please attach your explanation and complete permission form as your application, which is due September 20. For any questions, please contact Katie Casto, MESA Coordinator, at   See the attached application:  MESA Flyer 19-20.pdf 

MHMS Dental Clinic:  On October 10th, students will be extended the opportunity to participate in a Dental Clinic.  Please see the attached flyer for details.  MHMSDentalClinic.pdf 

Clothing To Cash Recycling Program:  MHMS is a part of the Clothing To Cash Recycling Program.  The program not only supports environmental efforts, it also serves as a fundraiser for our school.  MHMS earns a cash payment for every pound of collected items.  So please, bring your used clothing, shoes and other items in plastic bags, and place them in our collection bin located at the entrance of our parking lot.  Please see the attached flyer to learn about all of the different items that can be donated. MHMSClothingToCash.jpg 

Yankee Candle Fundraiser:  We will host our Annual Yankee Candle Fundraiser once again this year.  Brochures will not be sent home with students until the end of September, but you can start supporting our fundraiser now through online orders!  Online orders are easy, and products are shipped directly to customers anywhere in the USA!  

PARCC Reports:  During the Spring of the 2018-2019 school year, students participated in both the ELA and Math PARCC assessment.  Individual PARCC Reports were sent home with students today, Friday, September 13th.  Families are encouraged to review PARCC scores and set goals for this school year.  

6th Grade News

Outdoor Education Fundraiser:  Calling all MHMS to support our 6th Grade Outdoor Education Field Trip!  Please enjoy a meal at Coal Fire, in Ellicott City, on Tuesday, September 17th.  Don’t forget to carry the attached flyer with you (hardcopy or electronically), so that we earn 20% of your dine-in or carry-out order.  CoalFireFlyer.pdf


BSAP Saturday Math Academy Parent Information Session:  Parents and guardians of students in grades 3-12 are invited to learn more about the BSAP Saturday Math Academy, on Saturday, September 14th, from 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m., at Oakland Mills High School (9410 Kilimanjaro Road, Columbia).  The information session will cover general information and the process for registration.  A Spanish-language interpreter will be on-site for anyone in need.  This is NOT a registration session.  Registration will be held on Saturday, September 21st. 

Click on the links for additional information:  BSAP Saturday Math Academy Parent Information Session.pdf

PTA News

Sweetfrog Fundraiser:  Come to Sweet Frog located at 3341 Corridor Marketplace in Laurel on Thursday, September 26 between 2pm and 9 pm and 20% of the sales will be donated to the MHMS PTA!  Join us for a sweet treat to celebrate the beginning of this new school year!  Hope to see you there!  Be sure to tell them that you are supporting MHMS.  SweetFrog.pdf 

Box Tops for Education:  The MHMS PTA collects Box Tops for Education throughout the school year.  All Box Tops can be delivered to the front office.  This is a great and easy way to raise funds for our school!  


Communication is an essential component of a successful school experience for both students and parents.  There are many ways to stay connected to MHMS and to HCPSS.  Please consider the following ways to stay connected:

  • Visit the MHMS website often at:   
  • Follow MHMS on Twitter at:  @hcpss_mhms
  • Visit Canvas often
  • Visit the HCPSS website often at:
  • Download the HCPSS app on your mobile device (search Howard County Public School System)
Community News

For more Community News visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.

Murray Hill Middle School | 9989 Winter Sun Road, Laurel, MD 20723 | 410-880-5897 |