Pet Parade! During All MHMS Media Recess Meets!

Pet Parade! During All MHMS Media Recess Meets!

Let’s meet each other’s animal friends! Log-in to your MHMS Virtual Media Recess (according to grade - see Canvas Calendar)  with your critter companion next to you and introduce them to the MHMS Recess Community. 


Be ready to share in 1 min: Pet Name, pet type, and 1 funny / interesting  fact.


Don't have a live pet but a plushy stuffed animal friend?  Bring them by! Or, if your pet friend is no longer with us or if a picture would work better, show us that.


Two legs, four legs, Plushy friend, fins or wings: all are welcome!

Tuesday 6th Graders - MHMS-gjones-recess-May12

Wednesday 7th Graders - MHMS-gjones-recess-May13

Thursday 8th Graders - MHMS-gjones-recess-May14