Welcome Back to School Presentations

From Mrs. Smithson: We also strongly encourage our families to visit the HCPSS Website to learn about HCPSS's reopening plan and other detailed information regarding this upcoming school year. We look forward to connecting with you this week.


Here is the 6th Grade Welcome & Orientation


MHMS Materials Pick Up 

  • Chromebooks- For those families who requested a Chromebook, by August 21st, you received a separate email with details regarding picking up your device during one of the designated dates listed above.  If you requested a device after August 21st, please know that we will facilitate additional distributions once more Chromebooks are delivered to MHMS.  If you are in need of a Chromebook, and have not made a request, be sure to visit HCPSS Connect to request a device, and we will work to distribute it during a distribution at a later date.

  • Art Supplies- Art packets are available for all students who are scheduled to participate in art class during the first semester.  Students enrolled in art received a separate email, from Ms. Robinson, with details regarding picking up your art supplies.  Please be sure to pick up your art kit during one of the designated dates listed above.  

  • Spring Pictures- if you did not pick-up your Spring Pictures during an earlier pick-up in the summer, they will be available during the dates listed above.

Please know that we will facilitate additional drop-off and pick-up’s as the need arises.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding our drop-off and pick-up plan, please call the school at 410-880-5897, or email school administration (Lisa Smithson- lisa_smithson@hcpss.org, Alexia Couch- alexia_couch@hcpss.org, Jennifer Blasko- jennifer_blasko@hcpss.org).