A Note From The Principal
Dear MHMS Families,
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Monday, November 23rd through Wednesday, November 25th. Parents can schedule Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences starting today through Thursday, November 19th. Conferences are available to be scheduled with semester 1 teachers, and with quarter 2 teachers. Please plan to sign-up for conferences by visiting HCPSS Connect. If you need guidance, please use this Quick Reference Guide.
Fall MAP results are available to parents. Scores can be accessed through HCPSS Connect. Specific directions on accessing Fall MAP scores are available here.
Report Cards will be accessible for all families on Monday, November 16th. Report Cards will be accessible through HCPSS Connect also. Directions on accessing report cards can be found here.
While logged into HCPSS Connect to sign-up for Parent-Teacher Conferences, access MAP scores, and view your students first quarter report card, please be sure to also complete your Family File for the 2020-2021 school year. Family File has been completed for over 500 MHMS students, but we still need over 200 to get to 100% completion. HCPSS uses Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child, at the beginning of each school year, and can do so by logging into http://www.hcpss.org/connect/. Parents who have forgotten their login credentials for Family File may click the View instructions on resetting passwords. link on the sign in page.
Lisa R. Smithson
Murray Hill Middle School
Important Dates:
November 16th
Report Cards Available
November 16th
Joe Corbi’s Orders Due
November 19th
MHMS PTA Restaurant Night- sweetFrog
November 23rd
3-Hour Early Dismissal Schedule-
Parent Teacher Conferences
November 24th
3-Hour Early Dismissal Schedule- Parent-Teacher Conferences
November 26th-27th
Schools and Offices Closed- Thanksgiving Break
December 3rd
MHMS PTA Restaurant Night- Chick-Fil-A
December 8th @ 7:00 p.m.
Virtual PTA Meeting
MHMS News:
Memory Books: 2019-2020 Memory Books are here!!!! We will facilitate another distribution of yearbooks on Tuesday, November 17th from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m, Wednesday, November 18th from 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., and Thursday, November 19th from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. When you arrive in the front of the school, please remain in your car, call the main office (410-880-5897), and a staff member will bring your Memory Book to your vehicle. If you did not order a Memory Book, but would like one, we have additional copies for sale. Hard copies will be sold for $25.00 and soft covers will be sold for $20.00. Only cash or checks made payable to MHMS will be accepted.
Reporting Absences: Attendance during Virtual Learning is critical. Students are expected to attend the entirety of their period 1, 2, 3, and 4 classes on Monday’s, Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s. If your student is unable to attend a Google Meet, due to illness, an appointment, etc., a note must be submitted within two days of the student’s return. To report an absence, please email: MHMSAbsence@hcpss.org.
Family File: Please remember that Family File must be updated every school year. HCPSS uses Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child, and can do so by logging into http://www.hcpss.org/connect/. Parents who have forgotten their login credentials for Family File may click the View instructions on resetting passwords. link on the sign in page. Thank you to the 508 MHMS families who have completed their Family File for the 2020-2021 school year.
Parents who are new to the Howard County Public School System will receive a welcome email with instructions to activate an account.
(Please note- change of address may not be made through Family File. If you have recently moved, please contact our Student Services Secretary, Brenda Ganzermiller, at brenda_ganzermiller@hcpss.org, as soon as possible)
School Supplies: A number of school supplies have been donated to MHMS. Reusable bags include a binder, loose-leaf paper, folders, post-it notes, spiral notebooks, index cards, pencils, erasers and earbuds. If your student is in need of school supplies, please come to the school any day next week, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. When you arrive in the front of the school, please call the main office (410-880-5897), and a staff member will bring the school supplies to your vehicle.
Meal Distribution: Meals are available daily at nearly all HCPSS schools. Students 18 and under can pick up a grab and go breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday at any meal distribution site. Food Services Staff have meals available from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Both breakfast and lunch can be picked up during either time slot. Several days of meals can even be pre-ordered. If MHMS is a convenient meal distribution site for your student, you will find our Food Services Staff ready to assist you right inside our main entrance doors. More detailed information can be found here.
From the Math Office: As a result of the 2020-2021 4X4 schedule, not every student is engaging in math this semester. We have heard from many families looking for math engagement during the fall semester in order to prepare for the spring semester. We suggest the Get Ready Courses in Khan Academy. This link takes you directly to these courses. These are excellent resources that combine topics from the last course your student took and the new course your student will take this year.
Materials Distribution and Collection: If you have items that need to be returned to MHMS (i.e. textbooks, media center books, instruments), please know that there is a collection bin located inside the first set of doors to our main entrance; items can be dropped off between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Building Access: MHMS is currently not accessible to parents or students. If you need to get in contact with MHMS staff, you can email staff directly, or call the main office at 410-880-5897. Main office staff will be available to assist during school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. We ask for your patience, as we will be working with a reduced front office staff.
PTA 2020-2021 Membership: Please visit https://mhms.new.memberhub.store/store to obtain your MHMS PTA membership for the 2020-2021 school year.
MHMS SPIRITWEAR: MHMS Spiritwear is now available to order online! Support the MHMS PTA and show your MHMS pride by purchasing today! Spiritwear can be customized and features both glitter and non-glitter options. All merchandise will be mailed directly to the address of your choice. FREE SHIPPING is available from October 23rd through November 9th, and will be available for orders over $50.00 after November 9th.
Joe Corbi's Fundraiser: Support the MHMS PTA by ordering items from Joe Corbi's. Visit the Joe Corbi's website, and be sure to include our organization number- 9007, so that the MHMS PTA receives the profits from your order; start shopping today! Online orders will be accepted through Monday, November 16th, with an expected delivery of December 7th. Feel free to share the online ordering information with all of your friends and family. For questions, please contact PTA President, Debra Rhoades, at presidentptamhms@gmail.com
sweetFrog Restaurant Fundraiser: The MHMS PTA is sponsoring a restaurant fundraiser on Thursday, October 22nd at sweetFrog (3341 Corridor Marketplace). The MHMS PTA will earn 25% of the sales. Please support by showing the flyer or mentioning MHMS when you place your order. SweetFrog Flyer.pdf
Community News:
The Council of Elders Community Academy: See the attached flyer for information regarding The Council of Elders Parent Workshop Series. TCOE Flyer.png
Murray Hill Middle School | 9989 Winter Sun Road, Laurel, MD 20723 | 410-880-5897 | mhms.hcpss.org