Hybrid Transition: Important Updates - Feb 24

Murray Hill Middle School  

Dear MHMS Families,


We are excitedly preparing to receive students back in our building starting on Monday, March 1st.  The majority of our amazing staff returned to the building today, and they are looking forward to meeting with some of our students (Group E students), in-person, on Monday.  


If your student was eligible to return to the building on Monday, March 1st, and you completed the Family Commitment Survey, indicating that they would return 5-days a week, you should have received a separate email with specific information to ensure that you and your student are ready for Monday.

HCPSS Bus Locator Link w/ Español option!


If you believe that you should have received this message, and you did not, please contact administration ASAP (lisa_smithson@hcpss.org, alexia_couch@hcpss.org, jennifer_blasko@hcpss.org).


ALL FAMILIES need to know that starting on Monday, March 1st, there will be a change to our daily schedule.  It will be expected that ALL STUDENTS, those who are physically in the building, and those who will continue to engage with instruction virtually, follow this updated schedule, beginning on Monday, March 1st.  This will be our schedule for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.  You can find a pdf version HERE- MHMS Bell Schedule 2021-2022 (starting 3_1).pdf , and the schedule will also be posted on the MHMS Website.  ((And at the bottom of this post))


Also, please know that meal service sites will continue to be available to all HCPSS students who are remaining virtual.  More detailed information can be found HERE.  Please note that MHMS will no longer serve as a meal site, starting on March 1st.  Instead, Gorman Crossing Elementary School will be a meal site for our entire school campus.  Meals can be picked up at Gorman Crossing Elementary School from 7:30 am - 8:30 am.  See the flyer for detailed information- MHMS:GCES Meal Service.pdf.  


Finally, please be reminded that the transition to Hybrid Instruction will take place in four different phases (Link to HCPSS Hybrid Transition Information):


Phase 1- March 1st- Group E Students return to building 5-days a week.

Phase 2- March 15th- Pre-K-2 students in Groups A & B return to schools two days a week.

Phase 3- March 29th- Grades 3–5, 6, 9, 12 and ARL students in Groups A & B return to schools two days a week

Phase 4- Week of April 12: Students in grades 7, 8, 10 and 11 - All remaining students return to schools two days a week.


MHMS families directly impacted by each phase, will be contacted with specific information regarding their return during the week prior to their scheduled week to return.  Additionally, information regarding Group A and Group B will be shared during the week of March 1st.  


Please continue to visit the HCPSS Website regularly for updated information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions.  


Finally, please be reminded that it is our intention for every single one of our MHMS students to have a HCPSS Chromebook.  If you do not currently have a HCPSS Chromebook, please come to the school on any regular school day between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 p.m.  When you come to obtain your HCPSS issued Chromebook please follow the procedures below:

  • If you currently have an HCPSS Dell Laptop, bring it with you to be exchanged for a Chromebook.

  • Pull your vehicle into the carloop in front of our main entrance; remain in your vehicle.

  • Please be sure to wear a facial covering as MHMS staff members assist you at your vehicle. 

  • Call our main office (410-880-5897), and a staff member will come outside and deliver the Chromebook to your vehicle.

  • Be sure to review the HCPSS Chromebook Care resource.  

As always, the MHMS staff is here to support you; please feel free to reach out at any time. 



Lisa R. Smithson


Murray Hill Middle School 


Murray Hill Middle School | 9989 Winter Sun Road, Laurel, MD 20723 | 410-880-5897 | mhms.hcpss.org

MHMS Daily Schedule -  Hybrid & Virtual Learning -- STARTING MONDAY, MARCH 1ST

Download the PDF PDF iconMHMS Bell Schedule 2021-2022 (starting 3_1).pdf