MHMS- First Day of School Information

Dear MHMS Families,

The entire MHMS staff is excited for the first day of school, Monday, August 30th.  Below you will find very important information for your review.

First Day Of School Details: 

  • Our doors open at 8:15 a.m.  Upon entering, any student who wishes to get breakfast, may go immediately to the cafeteria, to receive a “grab-and-go” breakfast, and then report to their homeroom class, where they will be allowed to eat.  Any student who does not wish to get breakfast, may report immediately to their homeroom class, upon entering the building.
  • Homeroom teachers sent an email to all of their students on Friday, welcoming them, and informing them of their classroom number.  Homeroom classroom numbers are also printed on student schedules which can be found in Synergy.  
  • On the first day of school, we will operate under our 2-Hour Delayed Opening bell schedule.  Students will spend the first two hours of the day in homeroom.  Among other things, students will be given ample time to practice opening their lockers, and place their belongings in their lockers during the 2-Hour homeroom period.  
  • Students need to bring their fully charged Chromebooks and chargers on the first day of school.  Students who do not have an HCPSS Chromebook will be issued one during homeroom on the first day of school.  Any student who still has an HCPSS Dell, should bring it with them so that it can be replaced with an HCPSS Chromebook. 
  • All students must wear a 3-ply mask while in the building and while on the bus.  Gaiters and masks with a ventilation valve are not permitted.  MHMS has a supply of disposable masks should a student need one.  Mask wearing while outdoors is optional. 
  • Bus riders should plan to arrive to their bus stop at least 5 minutes early.  Please be patient, as it may take a few days for the bus runs to be consistent, as new bus drivers navigate new routes for the 2021-2022 school year.  Bus information can be found here: 

Things To Know: 

  • Breakfast and lunch will be FREE for all students during the 2021-2022 school year, and students will not need to enter their personal identification numbers (PIN) this year.  (Please note that even though meals will be free this year, families are still strongly encouraged to apply for Free and Reduced Meals- FARMS’s, if they believe they may qualify.  The FARM’s program includes many benefits beyond providing support for meals).
  • Outdoor seating will be made available, during all lunch shifts (weather permitting).  Students may choose to eat in the cafeteria or outside.  MHMS will soon receive portable tables that will be set up outside for students to utilize, if they wish.  Students are encouraged to bring a beach towel or outdoor blanket as an additional option to use for outdoor seating during lunch. 
  • Students will be allowed, and encouraged, to carry their backpacks throughout the school day.  This change, from past years, is an effort to make it easier for students to transition throughout the day with their Chromebook, charger, and other school materials, as well as to provide a level of protection for their Chromebooks.  Please be mindful of HCPSS Chromebook Care tips.
  • We will follow our 1-Hour Delay bell schedule, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.  On those days, students will spend 1 hour in their homeroom class.  We will begin our regular bell schedule on Friday, September 3rd. 
  • Cell phones and personal technology devices will not be permitted for use during the school day.  According to HCSS Policy 8080, students are not permitted to use devices during non-instructional time, which includes during hallway transitions, lunch, recess, or in bathrooms.  During class time, since all students will have access to Chromebooks, students will not need to use their personal technology devices for instructional purposes.  It is expected that cell phones and personal technology devices are silenced or off and out of sight during the school day.  Students are encouraged to leave their devices at home, lock their devices in their assigned locker, or store their devices in their backpacks.  (Parents if you need to get a message to your student, during the school day, consider contacting our front office staff so we can assist- 410-880-5897).       

* Please be sure to complete/update Family File.  Thank you to the 48% of our families who have already completed/updated their Family File for the 2021-2022 school year.  Please remember that Family FIle must be updated every school year for each child in HCPSS.  We are striving for 100% Family File completion by the first day of school on August 30th.  Parents/guardians can log into Parents who have forgotten their login credentials for Family File may click the View Instructions On Resetting Passwords Link on the sign in page. Parents who are new to the Howard County Public School System will receive a welcome email with instructions to activate an account. (Please note- change of address may not be made through Family File. If you have recently moved, please contact our Student Services Secretary, Brenda Ganzermiller, at, as soon as possible).

* Stay Connected- Please stay connected to our Murray Hill Middle School Community by visiting this website frequently.  You can also follow our school community on Twitter- @hcpss_mhms.  Also stay connected with all HCPSS news and information by visiting the HCPSS website and following @HCPSS on Twitter.

Again, we are looking forward to an amazing school year.  Please know that our Murray Hill Middle School community is here to support your student.

Lisa R. Smithson
Murray Hill Middle School