Dear MHMS Families,
I hope that this message finds you well, as the summer is winding down, and we are all preparing to return to school. I would like to welcome all of our 6th grade families to the Murray Hill Middle School community; I realize that this is the first official communication that you have received from MHMS, as our system recently rolled over to include all of our incoming 2021-2022 families. Please know that this message contains a lot of important UPDATED information, as there have been some changes to information that was shared earlier in the summer.
August 26th @ 1:30-3:00 p.m.- 6th Grade Orientation
6th Grade Orientation is intended for all 6th grade students and their parents/guardians. Parents of rising 6th grade students will have the opportunity to hear from the MHMS Administration, while 6th grade students will receive their class schedules and visit each of their classes. Please note the following UPDATE- 6th grade students will not be given their locker assignments during orientation. They will receive their locker assignments on the first day of school, and have ample opportunity to practice on the first day of school with staff support.
August 26th @ 2:00-3:15 p.m.- 7th Grade Orientation (NEW INFORMATION)
7th Grade Orientation is intended for all 7th grade students (STUDENTS ONLY). Parents, we ask that you drop your student off at our front entrance and pick them up in the bus-loop (near Gorman Crossing Elementary School) at 3:15. 7th grade students will receive their class schedules and visit each of their classes.
August 26th @ 2:00-2:30- New 8th Grade Orientation (UPDATED INFORMATION)
New 8th Grade Orientation is intended for NEWLY ENROLLED 8th grade students (STUDENTS ONLY). Parents, we ask that you drop your student off at our front entrance and pick them up at our front entrance at 2:30. Newly enrolled 8th grade students will get to meet the 8th grade team and learn information about what to expect as an 8th grader at MHMS.
August 26th @ 5:00-7:00 p.m.- MHMS Open House
MHMS families are invited to attend our Open House. Food trucks will be onsite, so bring your folding chairs and plan to spend time with our MHMS community. Schedules will be distributed to students who attend, and students and families will have the opportunity to practice locating their classrooms, in preparation for the first day of school. Please be reminded that masks are required while in the building, and are optional, but encouraged, while outdoors.
August 30th @ 8:15-3:10- First Day of School
Doors open to students at 8:15 (students obtaining breakfast may enter at 8:10). Prior to the first day of school, teachers will send an email to their students so that students know where to report on the first day of school. On the first day students will receive a copy of their schedules, get their locker assignments, have practice time at their lockers, and attend all of their assigned classes. Students arriving after 8:25, will be marked as tardy to school.
Tech Tip from Ms. Gwyneth Jones: PLEASE Bring your FULLY Charged Chromebook AND Powercord with you on the first day of school. Plug it in 2 days before and login with your password.
September 9th @ 5:45 p.m.- GT Parent Orientation
The HCPSS Middle School Gifted and Talented Program includes GT level courses, as well as many other opportunities. This orientation is intended for all parents who are interested in learning more about all of the GT offerings at MHMS.
September 9th @ 6:30-8:15 p.m.- Back To School Night
This program is intended for parents (students are encouraged to stay at home). Parents will have the opportunity to follow their students schedules and engage in a brief presentation from their students' classroom teachers.
Family File- Family File is currently open for all HCPSS families to update information about their child/children for the 2021-2022 school year. Please remember that Family FIle must be updated every school year for each child in HCPSS. Parents/guardians can log into Parents who have forgotten their login credentials for Family File may click the View Instructions On Resetting Passwords Link on the sign in page. Parents who are new to the Howard County Public School System will receive a welcome email with instructions to activate an account.
Thank you to the 25% of MHMS families who have already completed their Family File for the 2021-2022 school year. We are striving for 100% Family File completion by the first day of school on August 30th.
(Please note- change of address may not be made through Family File. If you have recently moved, please contact our Student Services Secretary, Brenda Ganzermiller, at, as soon as possible).
G.T. Testing- It was originally shared that GT Testing for students who are new to HCPSS would take place at MHMS on Friday, August 20th. Later, an update was shared stating that GT Testing would be conducted by the HCPSS Assessment Office. If you were not able to schedule a time for testing through the HCPSS Assessment Office, please know that our GT Resource Teacher, Mr. Dunbar will test students who are new to HCPSS during the opening days of school. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Dunbar at
Course Lists- Students and families can currently log onto Synergy and see the list of their enrolled courses for the 2021-2022 school year. Please note that this is NOT a full schedule including teachers, class periods, rooms, etc. Families will have access to full schedules on Synergy on August 25th. We ask that all families review their course lists and notify an administrator or your students counselor if there are any errors or questions.
Lisa Smithson, Principal-
Alexia Couch, Assistant Principal (Grades 6 & 7)-
Jennifer Couch, Assistant Principal (Grade 8)-
Sara Paynter, School Counselor (A-J)-
Jodi Svoboda, School Counselor (K-Z)-
Stay Connected- Please stay connected to our Murray Hill Middle School Community by visiting our website frequently- MHMS Website. You can also follow our school community on Twitter- @hcpss_mhms. Also stay connected with all HCPSS news and information by visiting the HCPSS website and following @HCPSS on Twitter.
Lisa R. Smithson
Murray Hill Middle School