MHMS Back To School Night Information

Dear MHMS Families,

We are excited to connect with you during our 2020 Virtual Back To School Night, which will take place tomorrow evening, Thursday, September 17th.  Please see below for detailed information.  


Gifted and Talented Program Parent Orientation:

Time: 5:45pm-6:25pm

The GT Parent Orientation will include information about Gifted and Talented (GT) placements, classes, and seminar opportunities for all Murray Hill Middle School students and will include time for questions.

Parents must be logged into their student’s HCPSS Google account to join the Google Meet, using Google Meet Code:  mhms-gt-orientation.  


Back To School Night:

Time:  6:30pm-8:00 pm

The evening will begin with an administrative presentation that can be accessed at 6:30 pm by visiting the MHMS Back To School Night website.


Following the administrative presentation, parents will have the opportunity to visit all four of their student’s classes.  Parents must be logged into their student’s HCPSS Google account in order to join the Google Meets.


Google Meet Codes can be found here (by teacher name)


The Schedule for the evening is as follows:

7:00-7:10-  Period 1

7:15-7:25-  Period 2

7:30-7:40-  Period 3

7:45-7:55-  Period 4  


If you have difficulty accessing your student’s classes, first be sure you are logged into your student’s HCPSS Google account.  If you are, administration will be available to provide assistance in a Google Meet; use Google Meet Code:  mhms-btsn-admin.  


We are looking forward to a great Back To School Night.



Lisa R. Smithson


Murray Hill Middle School


Murray Hill Middle School | 9989 Winter Sun Road, Laurel, MD 20723 | 410-880-5897 |