A Note From The Principal
Dear MHMS Families,
Last night we had the pleasure of recognizing MHMS students at a Virtual Council of Elders Academic Celebration. Each year the Howard County Council of Elders in collaboration with the HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program honor African-American students throughout the county for their academic excellence. A total of 189 Murray Hill Middle students were celebrated last night, and I could not be more proud of each and every one of them. Thank you to the students and families who attended this uplifting event.
The end of the first semester is quickly drawing to a close. The second quarter ends on Thursday, January 28th. If students have any missing assignments from the second quarter, they should be working diligently at this time to complete and submit make-up work. All quarter two make-up work must be submitted, by 3:30 on Thursday, January 28th. This will allow teachers enough time to grade assignments and process report card grades by their designated deadline. Report cards will be available on Synergy on February 5th. Report cards will display FINAL GRADES for all quarter 2 classes and for all semester one classes.
Lisa R. Smithson
Murray Hill Middle School
Important Dates:
January 18th
Schools Closed- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 21st @ 6:30 p.m.
New Middle School Parent Information Night
January 28th
End of Quarter 2
January 29th
Schools Closed- Professional Work Day
January 29th
Semester 2 Courses Available in Canvas
February 4th @ 6:30 p.m.
Second Semester Back-To-School Night
February 5th
Report Cards Issued (available on Synergy)
February 9th @ 7:00 p.m. (Google Code: MHMS-pta)
Virtual PTA Meeting
MHMS News:
MHMS PBIS Poster Contest: All interested students are encouraged to participate in our PBIS Positivity Poster Contest. Entries are due on January 28th. See the attached PosterContest.pdf for more details.
New Middle School Parent Information Night: MHMS will host our New Middle School Parent Information Night, on Thursday, January 21st, at 6:30 p.m. This virtual event is intended for current 5th grade parents, with student’s who will attend Murray Hill Middle School during the 2021-2022 school year. Parents can join us via Google Meet, using the following joining information:
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 929-277-9588
PIN: 864 199 950#
From the Math Office: The Office of Secondary Mathematics has been working on updated HCPSS Family Math Support Center resources to support students and families enrolled in the following mathematics courses: Math 6 (Gr. 6), Pre-Algebra GT (Gr. 6), Math 7 (Gr. 6/7), Math 8 (Gr. 7/8), and Algebra I (& GT). Parents/guardians may find these resources helpful in supporting students. Many of these resources can also be helpful to students who may NOT be enrolled in mathematics during a particular semester. Dozens of new lesson summary videos are available that focus on important topics found within each unit. They can help students review important concepts, skills, and vocabulary. You can find these updated resources under the Middle School Math and High School Math dropdowns. Visitors will also see the "Get Ready Mathematics" courses through Khan Academy available for Grade 6 Mathematics through Precalculus.
Reporting Absences: Attendance during Virtual Learning is critical. Students are expected to attend the entirety of their period 1, 2, 3, and 4 classes on Monday’s, Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s. If your student is unable to attend a Google Meet, due to illness, an appointment, etc., a note must be submitted within two days of the student’s return. To report an absence, please email: MHMSAbsence@hcpss.org.
School Supplies: A number of school supplies have been donated to MHMS. Reusable bags include a binder, loose-leaf paper, folders, post-it notes, spiral notebooks, index cards, pencils, erasers and earbuds. If your student is in need of school supplies, please come to the school any day next week, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. When you arrive in the front of the school, please call the main office (410-880-5897), and a staff member will bring the school supplies to your vehicle.
Meal Distribution: Meals are available daily at nearly all HCPSS schools. Students 18 and under can pick up a grab and go breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday at any meal distribution site. Food Services Staff have meals available from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 10:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Both breakfast and lunch can be picked up during either time slot. Several days of meals can even be pre-ordered. If MHMS is a convenient meal distribution site for your student, you will find our Food Services Staff ready to assist you right inside our main entrance doors. More detailed information can be found here.
Materials Distribution and Collection: If you have items that need to be returned to MHMS (i.e. textbooks, media center books, instruments), please know that there is a collection bin located inside the first set of doors to our main entrance; items can be dropped off between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Building Access: MHMS is currently not accessible to parents or students. If you need to get in contact with MHMS staff, you can email staff directly, or call the main office at 410-880-5897. Main office staff will be available to assist during school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. We ask for your patience, as we will be working with a reduced front office staff.
PTA 2020-2021 Membership: Please visit https://mhms.new.memberhub.store/store to obtain your MHMS PTA membership for the 2020-2021 school year.
MHMS SPIRITWEAR: MHMS Spiritwear is now available to order online! Support our MHMS PTA and show your MHMS pride by purchasing today! Spiritwear can be customized and features both glitter and non-glitter options. All merchandise will be mailed directly to the address of your choice. During the month of January Gildan T-Shirts are 15% off- see details here.
Rita’s Fundraiser: Support the MHMS PTA by visiting Rita’s (3353 Corridor Marketplace) between 12:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. through Sunday, January 17th. You must show the FLYER- MHMS-PTA-Rita's.pdf , for our MHMS PTA to earn 20% of profit from your order.
Community News:
Housing Assistance: If you are worried about being evicted, or are in need of housing assistance, please see the attached documents:
Housing rental assistance COVID-19.Round 3.Jan 2021.pdf
COVID Eviction Guidance Checklist.12.22.20.docx
Free Tutoring: Towson University will be offering FREE online tutoring sessions to students in grades K-12. Registration begins on Monday, January 18th. See the attached FLYER- COE_Tutors_Flyer_English.pdf COE_Tutors_Flyer_Spanish.pdf , and visit the COE Tutors Site for more information.
HCDrugFree Offerings: Free and back by popular demand! HC DrugFree is offering another series of 15 Life Skills classes to begin on Wednesday, January 27. The evidence-based curriculum is for grades 6-9. We encourage siblings and friends to enroll together, so even if your student is younger or older, register them and participation will be confirmed. Classes taught on Zoom by adults and talented college and high school students. Students listen to trusted older students! For more information or to enroll, go to
https://hcdrugfree.org/2021/01/free-life-skills-classes-for-howard-county-students/ or contact Admin@hcdrugfree.org
Adults, are you IN THE KNOW?
HC DrugFree is dedicated to keeping Howard County youth and adults up to date on community health, medication disposal, drug and alcohol safety, substance misuse information and prevention, educational opportunities, and more. To sign up for the free newsletter, go to https://hcdrugfree.org/enews-signup/
Murray Hill Middle School | 9989 Winter Sun Road, Laurel, MD 20723 | 410-880-5897 | mhms.hcpss.org