Murray Messenger 5.21.21

Murray Hill Middle School  

A Note From The Principal

Dear MHMS Families,


It is rather amazing how quickly the 2020-2021 school year is drawing to a close.  As the end of May is approaching, I ask that you work with your students to finish the school year strong.  Students should take time to focus on completing current work, and working with their teachers on any assignments that may need to be made-up before the close of the school year.  Please be reminded that the last 4 days of school, June 10th, 11th, 14th and 15th, are ½ days for students.  The schedule is as follows:

Student Schedule- June 10, 11, 14, 15 




Pd. 1


Pd. 2


Pd. 3


Pd. 4

In-person students will have the option to receive a school lunch, and will be dismissed at 12:30. 


Lisa R. Smithson  


Murray Hill Middle School

Important Dates:

May 31st

Schools and Offices Closed- Memorial Day

June 1st @ 7:00 p.m.

MHMS PTA Meeting (Google Meet Code: mhms-pta)

June 8th @ 10:15 a.m.

8th Grade Virtual Closing Ceremony

June 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th 

Early Dismissal

12:00 p.m.- Classes end for Virtual Students

12:30 p.m.- Dismissal for In-Person Students

June 15th 

Last Day of School

MHMS News:

PESTICIDE APPLICATION:  MHMS Families, please note the following information from HCPSS Acting Grounds Manager, Greg Connor- The purpose of this memorandum is to serve notice that the Grounds Service Department has scheduled a pesticide application to control Canadian Thistle in the environmental areas. Specifically, this is a spot application in the Storm Water Management Areas, Reforestation Areas, and along woodlines where the weeds are present. The date for the application will be this weekend May 20-30, or June 5-6 , 2021. If unfavorable weather conditions or other extenuating circumstances arise, the intended pesticide application may have to be delayed or postponed to a later date. If the application cannot be made within 14 days of the original planned date a new notice will be issued. All precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of students and staff; however, state laws require that the following statement be included in this letter. The office of Pesticide Programs of the United States Environmental Protection Agency has stated that: “Where possible, persons who potentially are more sensitive, such as pregnant women and infants (less than two-years old), should avoid any unnecessary pesticide exposure.” A summary of the potential adverse effect of the pesticides is below.  Copies of any Material Safety Data Sheet and/or label for any pesticide being applied may be obtained by calling the school office. Should you have any questions regarding your school’s application date please contact Greg Connor at (410) 313-2577. Question about pest management should be addressed to Mark Hardin (410)-313-7180.


8th Grade News:

8TH GRADE T-SHIRT:  If you are interested in ordering a 2020-2021 MHMS 8th Grade T-Shirt, use this link to place your order:

T-shirts cost $10.22, and all orders are due by May 24th.  T-shirts will be delivered to the school by June 9th. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact the school or Mrs. Sheavly


8TH GRADE VIRTUAL CLOSING CEREMONY:  Our 8th Grade Closing Ceremony will be virtual.  We will broadcast the ceremony on June 8th at 10:15 a.m. All students will be able to sign in to a Google Meet during second period to watch the virtual ceremony. We ask that you send in pictures of your student or group shots of Murray Hill students to include in the promotion ceremony video.  If you have any questions, please email


ATHOLTON HS FALL ATHLETICS:  Please save the date. The Fall athletic season will begin with tryouts on Wednesday, August 11th. Tryouts will last approximately 3 days and practices will begin immediately after tryouts. Student athletes must attend all 3 tryouts in order to be considered for the team. It is highly recommended that families take vacations prior to August 11th. Please stay tuned for information in regards to incoming 9th graders fall sports meetings. Sports that occur in the fall include:

  • Boys and Girls Cross Country 

  • Boys and Girls Soccer

  • Boys and Girls Golf

  • Boys and Girls Cheerleading

  • Football

  • Volleyball

  • Allied Soccer

  • Field Hockey 

If you have immediate questions, please reach out to the Atholton HS Athletics and Activities Manager (AAM), Mike Senisi at

MHMS Social Studies Department News:

Amazon Wishlist:  As we begin to plan for next year, and a return to normalized instruction, the Social Studies Department at Murray Hill is looking to expand and enhance our students’ access to nonfiction and fiction books. We are particularly aiming to provide access to books that specifically align with or support our content and allow students to engage, connect, and relate to what they are learning in the classroom. As Social Studies teachers we know that access to diverse texts is one of the most important things that we can give students to help them more deeply understand the material. Reading historical fiction, non-fiction, historical graphic novels, and other high interest texts will help to enhance the students’ ability to grapple with the content and the sources and documents we will be reading in the classroom. To help increase access to these texts, we have begun to collect used books so that each Social Studies classroom will have a classroom library for students to access. We are also looking to acquire new books that have been selected by our teachers and in some cases recommended by current students. 

How Can You Help? 

The Social Studies teachers have started an Amazon Wishlist of books. If you are interested in helping to build our libraries, please visit our wishlist and select books you would like to donate. The books will automatically be delivered to Murray Hill and the books will be waiting for students to read in the fall. This list will be updated regularly, so please feel free to check back periodically if you are interested. Additionally, we would love to add books that students might recommend to their peers, so please do not feel limited to our wishlist if you have seen other great titles. Please have them sent to Murray Hill MS with Jessica Stern as the recipient if you wish to purchase something not on the Wishlist Link

Thank you for your support and help throughout this difficult time and for any help you can provide to the students and staff at MHMS with this new endeavor.  


Memory Book ISO:  What a year!  The MHMS PTA is putting together a memory book and would like to include pictures of some of the things student(s) are doing to stay engaged during their time at home with virtual learning—games, puzzles, bike riding, exercising, reading, school work, etc.  If you have any pictures of your students in virtual school at home, please submit them.  Please only include current Murray Hill students in the photos.  Please be sure to include the names of all of the students pictured.  All pictures can be emailed to Submissions are due Friday, May 28, 2021. Thank you! 


Memory Book 8th Grade Request:  8th grade families/students are invited to participate in a Baby Picture Gallery for our memory book!  If you would like to submit a baby picture of your 8th grader (0-4 years old), please email photos to  Please submit a picture that shows your child's face clearly and is not too close.  Your submission must include the student's name. This is voluntary.  Baby Picture Gallery submissions are due Friday, May 28, 2021. Thank you! 


MHMS SPIRITWEAR:  MHMS Spiritwear is now available to order online!  Support our MHMS PTA and show your MHMS pride by purchasing today!  Spiritwear can be customized and features both glitter and non-glitter options.  All merchandise will be mailed directly to the address of your choice.  This month’s Spiritwear Coupon is 15% off of tri-blend tee’s. ( Code:  MAY21W.

Community News:

COVID-19 Mobile Testing Sites:  The Howard County Government is introducing Mobile COVID-19 Testing Sites, starting Monday, March 29th.  See the attached  flyer for specific details with dates, times and locations. Mobile_Testing_Site_FinalWeb.jpg 

Dental Hygiene Resource:  Please see the attached flyer regarding resources on dental hygiene.  Dental.pdf


Murray Hill Middle School | 9989 Winter Sun Road, Laurel, MD 20723 | 410-880-5897 |