Important News

Murray Messenger 10.16.20

We have many families who still need to verify/update Family File for the 2020-2021 school year. Family File must be verified/updated at the beginning of every school year. At this time we still need Family File completed for over 250 of our students. If you have not completed Family File for the 2020-2021 school year, please do so this weekend by logging into Parents who have forgotten their login credentials for Family File may click the View instructions on resetting passwords. link on the sign in page. Thank you for completing this very important task.

Murray Messenger 10.9.20

Dear MHMS Families, On Wednesday, October 14th, students will engage in the Math MAP assessment. Students will use their Homeroom Google Meet information on Wednesday to engage in the assessment during either our 9:00 a.m. administration or during our 1:00 p.m. administration. Students will learn more specific information regarding the MAP assessment, during their Homeroom period on Monday.. Please remind students to attend their Homeroom session weekly on Monday’s from 10:50-11:20.

Murray Messenger 10.2.20

Dear MHMS Families, On Wednesday, October 7th, students will engage in the Reading MAP assessment. Students will use their Homeroom Google Meet information on Wednesday to engage in the assessment during either our 9:00 a.m. administration or during our 1:00 p.m. administration. Students will learn more specific information regarding the MAP assessment, during their Homeroom period on Monday, October 5th. Please remind students to attend their Homeroom session weekly on Monday’s from 10:50-11:20.

Murray Messenger 9.25.20

Dear MHMS Families, As we move into week four of virtually learning there are number of items that we want to highlight and remind families of to ensure student engagement and a safe environment:

Murray Messenger 9.18.20

Dear MHMS Families, Thank you to those of you who joined our Virtual GT Parent Orientation and Virtual Back To School Night, yesterday evening. It was great to see so many families engage. If you were not able to attend, please know that you can always reach out to your child’s teacher, if you have specific questions about their class. Please know that you can also visit our Back To School website, and view the recorded administrative presentation, and also click the link for additional resources.

GT Seminar Opportunities

From Mr. Mark Dunbar, Gifted and Talented Resource Teacher for Murray Hill Middle School, these are the GT Seminar opportunities for students this year.

MHMS Back To School Night Information

We are excited to connect with you during our 2020 Virtual Back To School Night, which will take place tomorrow evening, Thursday, September 17th. Please see below for detailed information.

Murray Messenger 9.11.20

Dear MHMS Families, Congratulations to all for a successful first week. Although this first week of school has been like no other that we have experienced, I am proud of how the MHMS school community worked together to support one another. As we all navigate Virtual Learning, let’s remember that patience is paramount and extending grace to one another is essential. Know that the MHMS staff is here to help each and every one of our students, so if you are experiencing any challenges, please reach out, and we will do all that we can to assist you.

Join the MHMS PTA Online!

Please visit the PTA Member Hub to obtain your MHMS PTA membership for the 2020-2021 school year.