Important News

MHMS Spelling Bee Video

The exciting MHMS Spelling Bee Video 2022 featuring some our wonderful Murray Hill scholars.

Murray Messenger 1.28.21

Dear MHMS Families, It is amazing how quickly the 2021-2022 school year is moving. This week, students transitioned into their third quarter related arts classes, and we are looking forward to a productive and successful second semester.

Identify Your Child’s Device Needs

As HCPSS plans for technology needs in the event of virtual instruction, HCPSS is requesting all families to complete a brief questionnaire regarding your child’s/children’s device needs.

Murray Messenger 12.6.21

Dear MHMS Families, I just want to remind all families that according to HCPSS Policy, middle school students are not permitted to use their personal devices (i.e. cell phones) during non-instructional time, which is to include, but not limited to, transitions in the hallways, at lunchtime, at recess, and in bathrooms.

Murray Messenger 11.19.21

Dear MHMS Families, During this season in which many reflect on the things that they are thankful for, I would like to take a moment to share how thankful I am to be the Principal of Murray Hill Middle School. It is an honor and a privilege to work with so many amazing and supportive families.

Murray Messenger 11.16.21

Dear MHMS Families, Last Wednesday, we took a pause from curriculum instruction and spent the day reviewing expectations, procedures, policies, and engaging in activities focused on respect and building community. Students had the opportunity to review, discuss and share their thoughts around improving our school culture.

Murray Messenger 11.5.21

Dear MHMS Families, It is amazing that today is the first day of the second quarter of the 2021-2022 school year. We have had so many successes during the first quarter of the school year, and we are looking forward to continued success as we progress through the school year.

Murray Messenger 11.1.21

Dear MHMS Families, There were a lot of GREAT things happening at MHMS last week.

Murray Messenger 10.22.21

Dear MHMS Families, We are still in need of 35% of our families completing/updating their Family File for the 2021-2022 school year. Please remember that Family File must be updated every school year for each child in HCPSS. Parents/guardians can log into Parents who have forgotten their login credentials for Family File may click the View Instructions On Resetting Passwords Link on the sign in page.