Important News

Murray Messenger 9.4.20

Dear MHMS Families, All of the MHMS staff members are so excited about the first day of school! Starting at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 8th, staff and students will come together for a fully virtual start to the 2020-2021 school year. Families should have received an email message from period 2 teachers today, as students will begin their day on Tuesday with their period 2 teachers.

MHMS Materials Collection and Distribution- August 28, 2020

In preparation for the 2020-2021 school year, we want to share information related to the collection of materials still in your possession from last year and the distribution of new materials for use this school year. Please know that our number one priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of every student, staff and family member during this process. We ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

Murray Messenger 8.28.20

I would like to follow up on the statement issued by Dr. Martirano last night, following the press conference by the Governor and State Superintendent. I want to assure you that, as previously announced, Howard County Public Schools will hold a virtual first semester. Careful plans are in place to ensure that every student will have a robust learning experience that is centered on live, teacher-led virtual instruction.

MHMS Summer Message- 8.21.2020

Dear MHMS Families, I hope that you are doing well, staying healthy, and enjoying your last days of summer. As the summer is quickly drawing to a close, and we prepare for this 2020-2021 school year, I wanted to share a several important items with you.

School Supplies, & Agenda Book Selection Guide for Parents

The official HCPSS School Supply List is out for Middle Schools! Some students find having an agenda book or academic planner vital to school success! But since HCPSS will not be buying hard copy agenda books or planners for students this school year (which makes sense) some parents have been asking our advice as to what kind of planner they should get their child - we now have a super helpful guide for that!

MHMS Updates and Information 8.6.20

Dear Families, I hope that you are all doing well and staying healthy. I wanted to take a moment to update you on a few items.

Updated Address Information Needed

I hope that you are all doing well, and staying healthy as we are well into our summer break. As we are preparing for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year, it is imperative that we have accurate addresses on file for all of our students.

Summer Contact Information

We're here for you, even though we're not in the building. Contact our Admin Team!

HCPSS Summer Meal Service

Please note that HCPSS will continue with meal service for our communities throughout the summer.